Preparing to Paint
Always stir paint thoroughly, mixing upwards to blend the paint. Stir occasionally during use to maintain uniform colour and sheen.
Techniques for brushing on paint
The use of an angular tip brush allows more accurate placement of the paint, and is especially suitable when painting trim and window frames.
To paint a consistent, straight line along the edge of trim or along the edge of a window pane, give the brush a gentle wiggle as you apply the tips of the bristles to the surface. This gently flares out the bristles. Now move the brush along the surface, remembering to hold it at it's metal ferrule for greater control.
Techniques for rolling on paint
Use the brush first to cut-in a 4" wide strip around the edges where the roller cannot reach. Keep the edge of the brushed area thin where the roller will be overlapping. Cut-in and immediately roll only one wall or area at a time to achieve a uniform appearance once the paint is dry.
Painting Exterior Floors/Porches
Consult Preparing the Surface to determine how to properly prepare concrete and wood for painting, to prevent future failure of the paint on the floor's surface. Also have ready a bottle of anti-skid media (e.g. sand, walnut shells, cork, etc.) to sprinkle onto the top coat of paint, to prevent slipping on the surface when the floor/porch is wet.
Paneled Doors, Garage Doors, and Window Frames
Paint both sides of wooden garage doors to avoid warping due to absorption through the back of the door.
Painted panel doors
To allow the paint to flow and level out when painting paneled doors, it may be beneficial to thin the paint slightly, up to 10% (use water for acrylic latex paints, and mineral spirits for alkyd paints). This will also prevent one area from drying before you can blend back into it from neighbouring areas.
Cleaning Painting Tools
Do not dispose of mineral spirits down your drain; it harms the environment. Pour used solvent into a metal can, and dispose of it at a proper hazardous waste facility. A brush and roller spinner quickly and thoroughly cleans and dries brushes and rollers.
Most PARA Paints will cover in one coat, when applied according to these methods, using professional quality tools. Some paints and colours, however, will require two coats, especially if the old paint is very dry or the surface is very porous. When applying darker colours, a prime coat is recommended first to promote colour uniformity.